What is contract logistics?

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There are many complicated definitions of this business model, but in short, contract logistics is simply based on outsourcing the day-to-day logistics to an external operator.

As part of the service, we offer a wide range of activities-from acceptance of goods, through carrying out work related to assembly, packaging, to sending products to an intermediary or final customer.

Contract logistics is sometimes used by manufacturing companies, but also by stores (also from the e-commerce sector).

Is it worth using contract logistics?

It is difficult to say whether contract logistics is the ideal solution for any business, but it brings with it a number of advantages that can convince entrepreneurs to outsource logistics. How can we benefit from this?

First of all, when outsourcing logistics to an external company (such as JMP logistics), we receive a comprehensive service. We get the knowledge and experience of specialists who have their own warehouse space, adapted to the needs of specific products. The customer does not need to invest in maintaining its own warehouse and expanding the infrastructure for storage and management of goods in the warehouse. Proper security, placement on the shelves, as well as subsequent assembly, shipping, and even handling returns are on our side.

Contract logistics-JMP logistics has not only a place, but also a trained team that works efficiently and quickly to carry out all tasks related to the maintenance of products in the warehouse. Our employees are also equipped with the right equipment, which significantly improves daily work, helps to eliminate bottlenecks and eliminate problematic downtime. Thanks to this, all orders are executed on time, and the number of possible errors is much less.

Professional tools and computer software (WMS) affect the speed of operation, and also allows you to significantly optimize the cost and time of execution of individual orders.

Cooperation with us therefore allows for a real reduction in the cost of storage, infrastructure and operation of warehouses, while at the same time reducing the process of assembling and shipping products to customers.

Contract logistics – JMP Logistics

In addition to the storage itself, the service includes many additional activities related to the handling of goods, including:

  • cross-docking (transshipments),
  • completion of orders,
  • pre-packing and co-packing,
  • supply chain design and planning,
  • transport and distribution
  • support for returns and complaints,
  • inventory management.

Companies that opt for this type of activity receive a comprehensive service, relieving them of all responsibility for their extensive logistics and warehousing activities. This allows you to focus on production or, in the case of a store, on marketing activities that increase sales, rather than investing resources and capital in building a warehouse from scratch.

Professional logistics is a strong foundation for the effective conduct of even a large business. However, outsourcing also works for smaller entities. It allows you to significantly reduce the cost and time of execution of orders and comprehensive customer service.

Efficient warehouse is a business card of the company, which affects its positive reception by customers. This, in turn, allows you to build social awareness of the brand and trust among supporters who are happy to make purchases, knowing that they will always arrive on time.

Contract logistics is therefore a convenient and proven solution in which we operate, we have a reliable knowledge of what to do to improve the storage of all our products. For many entrepreneurs, this can be an ideal solution.